16 Castle Street,
Ardee Co. Louth,
DX59 002 Ardee
Ph: 041 - 68 53327
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Email: info@jckieran.com
Law Society of Ireland
The Law Society of Ireland are the educational, representative and regulatory body of the solicitors' profession in Ireland.
Irish Statute Book
The Irish Statute Book database comprises the Acts of the Oireachtas, Statutory Instruments and Chronological Tables of the Statues.
Property Registration Authority
Provides for registration of title and registration of deeds in relation to land. Sets out functions, services, contact points, legislation...
Irish Collaborative Law
Collaborative law is an alternative method of resolution of family disputes. The aim is to find a fair and equitable agreement for the couple based on...
Private Residential Tenancy Board
The Private Residential Tenancies Board is an organisation established by the Government to provide a dispute resolution service for landlords and tenants...
Companies Registration Office
Authority for incorporation of companies and the registration of business names in Ireland.
Office of the Attorney General
"The Mission of the Office of the Attorney General is to provide the highest standard of professional legal services to Government, Departments and Offices"...
An Garda Siochana
Ireland's National Police Force
Courts Services Board
The Court Service Board consists of seventeen members, of which nine are members of the judiciary. The function of the Board is to consider...
Enterprise Ireland
Government organisation, offers a guide to e-business, includes case studies and a discussion forum.
Revenue Commissioners
Official Irish Tax & Customs Website.
Government of Ireland
Information on the Irish State.
Pensions Board
The Pensions Board is a statutory body set up under the Pensions Act, 1990. ... The Board protects the interests of pension scheme members and encourages...
Data Protection Commissioner - Ireland
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Ireland.
Labour Relations Commission - Ireland
The Labour Relations Commission is responsible for promoting good industrial relations which it does by providing a range of mediation...
Citizens Information Bureau
The Citizens Information Board is the national support agency responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy on social...